Q: What is the difference between "Travel" and "House/MURSL" soccer?
A: "Travel" refers to our competitive program. These players participate in year round training and competition. The main league is the Rochester District Youth Soccer League (RDYSL). "House/MURSL" refers to our summer recreational programs; Tykes for our younger kids (u4-u8) & MURSL (u10-u19). MURSL stands for Monroe United Recreational Soccer League. These programs are for summer only and do not require much traveling.
Q: Can I register and pay online?
A: We offer online registration and payment systems for Travel and House programs. Please let our club registrar know if you need assistance.
Q: The House/MURSL online registration system won't let me register my child out of division. Why is that?
A: That is by design, as we need to keep track of those of our players who are playing out of division. In that regard we have an established process that parents must follow in order to register their players for out of division play. The process begins by registering your child in the appropriate program based on date of birth. There is a question asking if you'd like your child to play out of division. Once registration is completed, you need to let the club registrar and VP of house know your request. An out of division request form is filled out, outlining the nature of the request, and submitted to the Registrar for processing.
Q: How do I contact a member of the staff?
A: You can submit a question either to the "contact us" form on our website, or select a board member listed on the website as well.
Q: Are the schedules posted here somewhere? I don't see a link.
A: Schedules are found by navigating to "teams" and "schedule." You can filter by team there. We also use the "Sport SignUp" app, which can sync to your personal calendar.
Q: How do I find some of these fields you play on in the different towns that you play in?
A: A "fields" link with a comprehensive list of all fields that have been used in the past for all programs can be found under the "general" tab on the website.
Q: Where do I find information on coaching clinics?
A: To learn more, you can navigate to
Q: How do I access my account (if I have a returning player) or create an account (if we're new to Spencerport Soccer)?
A: If you are already in our database, sign in and click on My Account at the top of the menu on our home page. Once you've logged in, you can register your children, make payments, update your contact information and notification preferences.
If you are NEW to Spencerport soccer club and want to register your player, at the beginning of the registration process, enter your email only and click Sign In. A temporary password will be emailed to you. Once logged in you can change your password. When creating your account, create the Parent accounts first, and then add your children.